
The Do’s and Don’ts of Lawn Care

Sometimes it can be hard to remember all the advice that your crewman gives you so here is a summary of what to do before and after each treatment for the best results

  • Please stay off the lawn for 3 hours after each treatment.
  • Avoid cutting the lawn for 3 days before or after each treatment.
  • If you have grazing animals please keep them off the lawn for 2 weeks.
  • Don’t use any lawn cuttings that get composted for 3 months.
  • If you have had your lawn reseeded then please do not mow for at least 4 weeks.
  • Please remove any obstacles down alleyways and on lawns prior to treatments.
  • Keep your Lawn well watered during the dry summer months
  • Cut regularly at a height of 1.5 inches, we recommend the little and often approach (at least once a week, keeping the mower blade higher)
  • Please do not apply any other products to the lawn as this can result in too much chemical being applied and resulting in scorching your lawn
  • Do not use round up on your lawn this will kill the grass.
  • Most importantly Always make your crewman a tea or coffee lol.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Lawn Care

Maintaining a lush, healthy lawn can be a rewarding but challenging task. To help you achieve the best results, we’ve compiled a list of essential do’s and don’ts to follow before and after each lawn treatment. This guide will serve as a handy reference to keep your lawn in top condition.

The Do’s of Lawn Care

  1. Stay Off the Lawn After Treatment: It’s crucial to stay off your lawn for at least 3 hours after each treatment. This allows the applied products to settle and absorb into the soil without any interference, ensuring maximum effectiveness.
  2. Mowing Schedule: Avoid cutting your lawn for 3 days before and after each treatment. This gives the treatment time to work effectively without being disturbed and ensures the grass blades are at an optimal length to absorb the products.
  3. Animal Safety: If you have grazing animals, keep them off the lawn for 2 weeks post-treatment. This prevents them from ingesting any chemicals that might be harmful to their health.
  4. Composting Lawn Cuttings: Any lawn clippings that have been treated should not be used for composting for at least 3 months. This ensures that any residual chemicals do not contaminate your compost and subsequently your garden.
  5. Reseeding Caution: If your lawn has been reseeded, do not mow for at least 4 weeks. This allows the new grass to establish a strong root system without the stress of mowing.
  6. Preparation for Treatment: Before any treatment, remove obstacles from alleyways and lawns. This ensures the treatment can be applied evenly and effectively across the entire lawn.
  7. Watering: Keep your lawn well-watered, especially during dry summer months. Regular watering helps maintain a healthy lawn and supports the effectiveness of treatments.
  8. Regular Cutting: Mow your lawn regularly, ideally at a height of 1.5 inches. We recommend a “little and often” approach, mowing at least once a week with a higher mower blade to keep your grass healthy and resilient.
  9. Seasonal Fertilization: Apply a high-quality fertilizer during the growing season. This will provide your lawn with essential nutrients that promote healthy growth and a vibrant green color.
  10. Aeration: Aerate your lawn at least once a year to improve soil structure and enhance root growth. Aeration helps alleviate soil compaction, allowing water, air, and nutrients to penetrate the grassroots more effectively.
  11. Weed Control: Keep an eye out for weeds and remove them promptly. Weeds compete with grass for nutrients and water, so addressing them quickly can help maintain a healthy lawn.
  12. Mulching: Consider mulching your grass clippings instead of bagging them. Mulched clippings return valuable nutrients to the soil and help retain moisture.

The Don’ts of Lawn Care

  1. Additional Products: Do not apply any other products to your lawn aside from those recommended by your lawn care provider. Over-application of chemicals can scorch your lawn and cause damage.
  2. Use of Round-Up: Avoid using Round-Up or any similar herbicides on your lawn, as these products can kill your grass and undermine your lawn care efforts.
  3. Over-Mowing: Do not over-mow your lawn. Cutting your grass too short can stress it, making it more susceptible to diseases and pests.
  4. Neglecting Obstacles: Ensure all obstacles are cleared from your lawn before treatment. Leaving items on the grass can cause uneven treatment and create dead spots where the grass cannot receive the care it needs.
  5. Ignoring Watering Needs: Don’t let your lawn dry out, especially in the summer. Consistent watering is essential to maintain the health and vibrancy of your lawn.
  6. Skipping Fertilization: Don’t skip seasonal fertilization. Regular feeding is crucial for maintaining strong, healthy grass that can withstand environmental stresses.
  7. Neglecting Aeration: Don’t forget to aerate your lawn. Neglecting aeration can lead to soil compaction, which restricts root growth and reduces the lawn’s overall health.
  8. Allowing Weeds to Spread: Don’t ignore weeds. Allowing them to spread can quickly lead to an overrun lawn, making it difficult for grass to thrive.
  9. Cutting Wet Grass: Avoid mowing when the grass is wet. Wet grass can clump and cause your mower to leave uneven patches, potentially damaging the grass.
  10. Neglecting Lawn Health Checks: Don’t neglect regular lawn health checks. Periodically inspect your lawn for signs of pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies to address issues promptly.

Final Tip: Show Appreciation

Lastly, always remember to offer your lawn care crewman a tea or coffee. A little appreciation goes a long way in ensuring they’re motivated to give your lawn the best possible care.

Final Tip: Show Appreciation

Lastly, always remember to offer your lawn care crewman a tea or coffee. A little appreciation goes a long way in ensuring they’re motivated to give your lawn the best possible care.


If you need any help or advice please do not hesitate to contact us as we are here to help!
