Leatherjacket Treatment
Get in touch with us immediately if your lawn is suffering from a Leatherjacket infestation, to enable us to treat your lawn and prevent further damage.
Between July and September, Crane Fly or “Daddy Long Legs” lay hundreds of eggs in lawns across the country.
The recent mild, wet winters have led to a huge increase in the Leatherjacket population.
The eggs hatch between late Autumn and early Spring, with maggot-like Leatherjacket larvae emerging and feeding on the grass roots and shoots.
Grass less than 5- 6 years old is particularly susceptible as the roots remain succulent and easy to digest by the larvae.
Low Winter temperatures and frosts usually control numbers, but the mild damp winters experienced in recent years have not had the desired effect.
Leatherjackets can strip large areas of a lawn in a few days.
If you notice bare patches, dead or dying straw-like grass appearing in your lawn or birds pecking at the lawn pulling thatch out of the lawn, contact Luxury Lawns straight away.
Any bare areas will quickly be colonised by weeds or moss.
We can quickly identify insect damage and our treatments are safe, efficient, effective and much cheaper than replacing large sections of your lawn.
SEPTEMBER – NOVEMBER: Keep a look out for Crane Fly “Daddy Long Legs” nesting on your lawn.